What’s coming with .NET 7 ?

dotnet 7 new features

No doubt that Microsoft .NET universe has been arising over the years and brings new features with the every new update. Last month, on the occasion of .Net 20 years celebration, Microsoft has announced .Net 7 preview 1. Before we jump into the details for .Net 7, Let’s quickly look at the .Net release cycle …

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12 Useful Asp.Net Core 3 Libraries every Developer should know

asp.net core 3 libraries

Microsoft released .NET Core 3.0, another major support in the .Net family from the old, Windows-based .Net Framework to an entirely new cross-platform, open-source, offering the new trend for .NET developers. With every new version, new features are added that help developers deploy highly scalable and high-performance applications using less Code. In this article, I’m listing down some …

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Top 5 Backend Frameworks to learn in 2020

Top 5 Backend Frameworks to learn in 2020

Frameworks have become a necessary part of every frontend & backend development in this modern age, as the trend of developments are always growing with the passage of time. It’s absolutely stupid to reinvent the wheel for such advanced techniques, assuming that you can reinvent all that. That’s why using frameworks supported by millions of …

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Best .Net Core 3 Articles from the Past Month

.net core 3 best articles

Microsoft officially announced .NET Core 3.0, a major pillar in the .Net family from the traditional, Windows-based .Net Framework to a completely new open-source, cross-platform offering – the new trend for .NET developers. The milestone’s value comes from increasing new capabilities. It consolidates several enhancements, including adding WPF & Windows Forms, support for ARM64, adding …

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